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Help with Provincial Government Services

Here are some topics I get regular calls on. If you have any questions or you need any assistance, please contact me.

  • Birth certificates

    If a birth has been registered in Ontario, you can apply for this certificate online quickly, simply and securely. If your baby has not been registered, please use the Newborn Registration Service.

    Before you start

    To order a short-form or long-form birth certificate, you will need:

    1. Your first and last name, mailing address, and phone number
    2. Information of the person on the birth certificate:
      • first, middle, and last name, date of birth, sex and city of birth
      • previous legal names for the person named on the birth certificate (if applicable)
      • parents’ information
    3. A guarantor if the subject is 9 years and older
    4. Payment for the certificate

    Start online service

    Additional Information

  • Ontario photo cards

    An Ontario photo card is a government-issued photo identification that will allow non-drivers aged 16 years of age and over to access government, financial or business services that require proof of identity.

    Before You Start

    To apply for an Ontario photo card, you must be a non-driving resident of Ontario, 16 years of age and over. If you have a driver’s licence, you must surrender your driver’s licence in order to apply for a photo card. Your Driver’s licence will be cancelled.

    Before you visit one of the ServiceOntario locations to apply for a photo card, you will be required to provide valid original identity documents that prove legal name, date of birth and signature. Acceptable identification includes a birth certificate, passport, citizenship card and permanent resident card.

    Additional Information

  • Register your newborn baby

    The Newborn Registration Service is a convenient way to complete up to four important transactions online at the same time:

    1. Register the birth of your baby under the age of one year
    2. Apply for your baby’s Birth Certificate
    3. Apply for your baby’s Social Insurance Number
    4. Apply for your baby’s Canada Child Benefits

    Before You Start

    To register your newborn baby you will need:

    • The child’s date of birth
    • The child’s first, middle (if applicable) and last names
    • The birth mother’s maiden name
    • The name of the hospital or birthing centre where the birth took place (if applicable)
    • The name of the person who attended the birth (physician, midwife or other)
    • The weight of the child
    • The duration of pregnancy in weeks
    • You can only use this service for up to five children (quintuplets)
    • A valid method of payment (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Interac® Online) if applying for a birth certificate

    Start Online Service

    Additional Information

    • A child’s birth can be registered with either one or two parents named on the birth registration. A parent must be one of the following:
    • The child’s mother, who is the woman who gave birth to the child
    • The child’s father, if he is the biological father and if he is acknowledged by the mother and agrees to be named on the birth registration
    • The child’s “other parent”, who is a non-biological parent of the child, where the child was born from assisted conception with an anonymous sperm donor. Another parent can only be named on the birth registration if he/she is acknowledged by the mother and he/she agrees to be named on the birth registration
    • The birth registration must be signed by each parent whose information is included on the birth registration form unless that parent is incapable due to illness or death
    • If both parents are incapable, or the mother is incapable and the father is unknown or unacknowledged by the mother, and the child has no other parent, the statement may be completed and signed by an informant acting on the mother’s behalf. In this case, a statutory declaration must be submitted. Information on statutory declarations will be provided at the end of your online session. For further information contact ServiceOntario at 416-325-8305 or 1-800-461-2156
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Learn about ServiceOntario’s commitment to privacy and security
    • Before you begin, please ensure that you meet these browser requirements
    • This service is tested daily with McAfee SECURE™ to ensure the security of the transaction and information
  • Marriage certificates

    If a marriage has been registered in Ontario, you can apply for this certificate online quickly, simply and securely.

    Before You Start

    To apply for your marriage certificate, you will need:

    • First and last names of both parties to the marriage
    • Date of the marriage
    • City or town of marriage

    Start Online Service

    Additional Information

  • Death certificates

    If a death has been registered in Ontario, you can apply for this certificate online quickly, simply and securely.

    Before You Start

    Please note: The death must be registered in Ontario to use this service.

    To apply for a death certificate, you will need:

    • First and last name of the deceased subject
    • Gender of the deceased subject
    • Date of death
    • City or town of death
    • Parental information about the deceased subject
    • Spouse or partner information, if applicable
    • A valid method of payment (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Interac® Online)

    Start Online Service

    Additional Information

  • Accessible parking permits

    Accessible parking permits are issued to a person or business and not a vehicle. Permit holders must have been in the vehicle and the permit displayed on the dashboard in order to park in an accessible parking space.

    Only people with certain health conditions can apply for an accessible parking permit. Read the eligibility requirements below before you apply.

    To apply for an accessible parking permit, there are 2 parts to the application form:

    • Part A – to be completed by the applicant
    • Part B – to be completed by your health care practitioner

    You can obtain an application form by visiting any ServiceOntario centre or by downloading a PDF version of the form.

    Submit the completed form with original documents showing proof of name, date of birth and signature to a ServiceOntario centre in-person.

    Applications can also be sent by mail to the address below. If applying by mail, send photocopies only.

    P.O. Box 9800
    Kingston ON
    K7L 5N8

    Find the nearest ServiceOntario centre




    3 weeks by mail
    7 weeks when submitted at a ServiceOntario centre

    Interim permit

    While you are waiting for your permit to arrive in the mail, you can get an interim accessible parking permit valid for 90 days at a ServiceOntario centre.

  • Services for seniors

    Key Telephone Numbers

    • Seniors’ INFOline
      TTY: 1-800-387-5559
    • Service Canada
      1-800-O-Canada (622-6232)
      TTY: 1-800-926-9105
    • Pension Programs – Service Canada
      English: 1-800-277-9914
      French: 1-800-277-9915
      TTY: 1-800-255-4786
    • Canadian Anti-Fraud Call Centre
    • Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
    • Elder Abuse – Senior Safety Line
  • Tenant's Resources

    Raising issues to your landlord:

    1. Review your lease agreement. Know what is in your lease and how it applies to your issue. For example, know if your lease states whether or not you have a dedicated parking space. Also learn your rights and responsibilities as a tenant, as well as those of your landlord. Visit the Don Valley Community Legal Service or call 416-441-1764 to learn your rights as a tenant in Ontario. Contact Don Valley Community Legal Service or the Housing Help Centre if you require translation services to understand your lease agreement. Reach out to tenants’ rights organizations who can provide guidance or help specific to your situation. You can access the Federation of Metro Tenants’ Associations Tenant Hotline by calling 416-921-9494.

    2. Document the issue. Include the date that the issue began and specific details about the issue, as well as any communication you’ve had with your landlord about the problem. Take photos and videos of the problem if possible.

    3. Communicate with your landlord. Start by reaching out to your landlord in a letter, email, or a maintenance app set up by your landlord. Take screenshots so that you have a record of the communication. Be polite and concise; explain the issue clearly and ask for your landlord to resolve the problem. If you don’t receive a response, follow up with a phone call or in-person meeting. If the issue remains unresolved, send a formal letter outlining the problem, the attempts you have made to resolve it, and a request for your landlord to take specific actions, such as repairing appliances or exterminating insects. Give your landlord a deadline to respond or resolve the issue.

    • Your landlord must respond to urgent service requests within 24 hours. Services include heating, plumbing, gas, electricity, and problems with building security or walls.
    • For requests relating to non-urgent repairs or maintenance, you landlord should respond within 1-2 days.
    • For other non-urgent requests, your landlord may take up to two weeks to respond.

    4. If your landlord fails to respond, call city by-law officers by calling 311, Toronto’s non-emergency service and information line. If you do not have written proof that you have contacted your landlord about the issue, 311 cannot help you. Give them detailed information about your issue, including the steps you have taken to resolve it. Request that by-law officers help to resolve the issue. Make sure to write down the reference number you are given and follow up online if nothing has been done within a few days. 311 deals with issues including:

    • Adequate heating in residential or industrial buildings and structures.
    • Garbage and debris, including improper waste storage and unsafe appliances.
    • General maintenance.
    • Noise complaints.
    • Insects, pests, or animal-related complaints.

    5. Contact the Rental Housing Enforcement Unit if the issue is still unresolved. The Rental Housing Enforcement Unit does NOT take complaints about maintenance or repairs. The Rental Housing Enforcement Unit deals with issues outlined in the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, including landlords:

    • Withholding vital services like water or electricity
    • Changing locks
    • Terminating tenancy for renovations or repairs
    • Violating health and safety standards
    • Illegally entering a unit

    6. Explore legal options. If the issue remains unresolved, consider getting a lawyer specializing in tenant’s rights who can provide you with further legal options. The Don Valley Community Legal Service will help you find legal advice or a lawyer for free. Or, Legal Aid Ontario or the Law Society of Ontario can help you to find another lawyer.

    7. File a complaint with the Landlord Tenant Board. Visit the Landlord Tenant Board to learn how to file a complaint. The Don Valley Community Legal Service can represent tenants in front of the board free of charge. Contact DVCLS for more details.

    Note: A dispute between yourself and a neighbour is not an issue that a landlord has the authority to resolve. If you are in a dispute with your neighbour, consider mediation services to help resolve the dispute.

    Additional Resources:

    Steps to Justice: Steps to Justice is a site run by Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) which provides free up-to-date legal information in Ontario. Steps to Justice also provides:

      • Step-by-step information to help you work through your legal problems

      • Practical tools, such as checklists, fillable forms, and self-help guides

      • Referral information for legal and social services across Ontario

      • Live chat and email support if you can’t find the answers to your questions

    Steps to Justice is run in collaboration with Legal Aid Ontario, Department of Justice Canada, and The Law Foundation of Ontario, and covers most areas of the law.

    Housing Help Centre: The Housing Help Centre is a registered not-for-profit agency which aims to help people access and maintain affordable housing. The Housing Help Centre offers mediation services between tenants and landlords and can help you contact the Landlord and Tenant Board. The Housing Help Centre provides services in a number of languages, including Arabic, Bengali, Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Mandarin & Cantonese, Pashto, Punjabi, Tamil, Turkish, and Urdu.

    The Neighbourhood Group: The Neighbourhood Group Community Services provides a variety of services to low-income people and families across Toronto. Their services include mediation and conflict resolution services between tenants and landlords or between neighbours.

    University of Toronto Legal Clinic: The University of Toronto Legal Clinic provides legal assistance to community members who may otherwise would not have access to justice. Cases are handled by student caseworkers under the supervision of lawyers.

    Below is a template which may be useful when contacting your landlord by letter or email:

    Dear [Landlord’s Name],

    I am writing to inform you of [specific issue] that has arisen in my [unit number] at [Building Address], which requires your attention and action.

    I have had [issue] since [date] / My ___ has been broken since [date]. This has prevented me from ___ / This has damaged ___. I have been unable to fix the problem myself / I have reached out to building management and the issue remains unresolved. I request that [repairs, maintenance, professional inspection, etc.] within the next [a clear time frame].

    I appreciate your arranging to resolve this issue as soon as possible. I am available to discuss this matter further and allow access to my unit at [specific dates and times] for any inspection or repairs.

    If you wish to discuss this issue further, you can reach me at [Phone number and/or email address].

    Thank you for your cooperation.


    [Your Name]

    [Your Contact Information]

    [Your Unit/Apartment Number

  • Employment


    How to Find a Job in the Skilled Trades

    How to Find a Job: High School Students

    How to Find a Job in the Skilled Trades

    Becoming an apprentice can be a difficult process. The easiest route into the skilled trades is for high school students, who can choose from a number of programs offered by their school to begin their apprenticeship. If you’re no longer in high school, the process can be more difficult. We’ve put together some steps to help you find a fulfilling career in the skilled trades.

    1. Pick a trade

    Decide what trade you want to pursue. If you are not sure what trade to follow, consider picking from the list of designated Red Seal trades. Picking a Red Seal trade means that you can eventually apply for Red Seal certification, which will let you work in your trade anywhere in Canada.

    2. Pursue an apprenticeship

    An apprenticeship is a combination of on the job training and in-school learning, which prepares you for a career in a specific skilled trade. As an apprentice, you work with and learn from your sponsor, and get paid while you do it! You will also learn in a classroom from instructors who have experience in your trade. This may take place on a college campus or in a union training center.

    In most trades, apprentices work for one year and then switch to studying in class for eight to 12 weeks, either full or part-time. It takes between two and five years to complete an apprenticeship.

    What is a sponsor? Who can be a sponsor?

    A sponsor is someone who provides you with apprenticeship training. A sponsor is your employer and teacher throughout your apprenticeship. Your sponsor can be an individual (for example, a contractor) or a group of employers. Finding a sponsor is usually an independent process. However, if you complete pre-apprenticeship training you will be paired with a sponsor as part of that program. If you are looking to find a sponsor independently, make sure that your sponsor is a certified journeyperson – someone who is qualified to take on an apprentice.

    To qualify for an apprenticeship, you must:

      • Be at least 16 years of age.

      • Meet the educational requirements for your chosen trade. For example, certified electricians are required to have completed grade 11 physics. As there are no strict educational requirements for many skilled trade apprentices in Ontario, research the requirements specific to your chosen trade.

      • Have a sponsor in Ontario.

    To find an employer or sponsor:

      • If you are a college student, visit your school’s placement office or ask to be directed to a career centre which can help you find apprenticeship opportunities. You can also check out the Ontario Collages Apprenticeship Opportunities.

      • Online: Visit the Job Bank and search for sponsors who are looking for apprentices in your chosen trade.

      • Employment Ontario: EO offers employment services and training opportunities, like matching apprentices to sponsors.

      • Unions or trade associations: Many trades have unions or associations with resources to find and match apprentices to sponsors.

      • Local companies: Research local companies in the skilled trades. Try your local online resources, newspapers, or other directories.

      • Your network: Ask friends, family, and acquaintances if they know anyone in the skilled trades or of any apprenticeship opportunities.

    How to apply for an apprenticeship:

    If you are 18 years old or older, you can apply online through the Skilled Trades Ontario Portal. You will need to create a MyOntario account to go through this process.

    Before you begin the application process, make sure you have the following information:

      • Your personal information, including your:
          • Social Insurance Number (SIN).

          • Full mailing address.

          • Email address. The ministry will send notices about your apprenticeship training to this email address.

      • Your sponsor’s information, including the:
          • Full legal name, which is often different than the business name.

          • Full mailing address.

          • Business phone number.

      • Your sponsor contact person’s information, including their:
          • First and last name.

          • Phone number.

          • Email address.

      • The work arrangement details:
          • Your start date with the sponsor.

          • The number of work and training hours per week.

    NOTE: If your sponsor is a group of employers, you must have an individual contact person. If your sponsor is an individual, they are also your contact person.

    If you are 16 or 17 years old AND not in a high school apprenticeship program, you must download and submit a paper application. Your application will be reviewed and your sponsor will be notified as to whether or not your application was approved. The steps to submit a paper apprenticeship application are:

      1. Save the application file to your computer.

      1. Fill out the application.

      1. Print the application and sign it.

      1. Have your parents or legal guardian AND your sponsor to sign it.

      1. Mail or submit the signed and completed application in person to your local Employment Ontario Apprenticeship Training Office.

    If your application is approved, you must sign a training agreement. The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development will:

      • Create a training agreement for you and your sponsor to sign.

      • Approve the signed agreement.

      • Register your apprenticeship training.

    3. Complete your apprenticeship and get a Certificate of Qualification:

    In Ontario, there are 23 compulsory trades and 121 non-compulsory trades. In order to work in compulsory trades, you must have a valid Certificate of Qualification issued by Skilled Trades Ontario. You do not need to be a registered apprentice or a certified journeyperson to work in non-compulsory trades in Ontario. However, some non-compulsory trades do offer optional Certificates of Qualification.

    If you have completed an apprenticeship or training in a skilled trade outside of Ontario, you must take the Trade Equivalency Assessment and a certifying exam to get your Certificate of Qualification. The Trade Equivalency Assessment is only available for trades with a certifying exam.

    High School Apprenticeship Programs

    If you are a high school student, you can begin your apprenticeship in grades 11 or 12 through the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP), the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM), or the Co-Operative Education Program. Speak to your school guidance department, vice-principal, or principal for more information about these programs and how to apply to them. Accessibility to OYAP and SHSM programs may vary, but every school board in Ontario offers Co-Operative Education programs to high school students. You can register for Co-Operative Education through your school’s course selection platform. OYAP is part of the Co-Operative Education Program, but requires additional applications. If you are interested in a Specialist High Skills Major, it is a good idea to begin planning in grade 8 or grade 9. SHSM programs are specific to the schools at which they are offered, and you may have to change schools for your final years of high school to complete your SHSM program of choice.

    Financial assistance for apprentices:

    Better Jobs Ontario: Better Jobs Ontario provides skills training for in-demand jobs and financial support. You can apply for up to $28,000 to cover the cost of tuition, books, student fees, transportation, childcare, disability-related support, and more. You may also be eligible for a $500 per week living allowance. See the Better Jobs Ontario website for the full list of factors eligible for financial support. The Better Jobs Ontario program lasts 52 weeks (1 year). For longer financial assistance programs, apply to the Ontario Student Assistance Program. You are still eligible for Better Jobs Ontario if you receive financial aid from employment insurance, Ontario Works, or the Ontario Disability Support Program. You can apply to Better Jobs Ontario through The Neighbourhood Organization, Skills for Change, or the Toronto Community Employment Services.

    To be eligible for Better Jobs Ontario, you must either:

      • Have been laid off and have not been working, or are working a part time job to cover expenses, OR

      • Been unemployed for six months or longer AND be part of a low-income household

    The Government of Canada also offers a number of financial supports to apprentices and employers, including:

    For more financial support options, visit the Government of Ontario.

    Pre-Apprenticeship training:

    There are pre-apprenticeship training opportunities for youth or adults who:

      • Graduated from high school.

      • Left high school before graduation.

      • Are unemployed or underemployed.

      • Are indigenous, newcomers to Canada, women, Francophone, or youth-at-risk.

    The Neighbourhood Organization’s Trades Connect Program offers newcomers to Canada with education, training, certification and employment programming to help them prepare for a career in the skilled trades. The Trades Connect Program also helps those who complete the course to find sponsors and begin their apprenticeship. The Trades Connect Program has three areas of focus:

    • Construction Trades
        • Safety training

        • Technical and hands on training

        • Forklift licensing and employment support

        • GED, CAAT, aptitude preparation, & application support

    • Information Technology
        • I.T. bridging and training programs

        • Application support & soft skills development

        • Pathways to I.T. Analysis, Digital Customer Care, & Cybersecurity

    • Industrial Transportation
        • DZ and CZ Licensing

        • Connections to pre-apprenticeship, trades training,  and truck driving career tracks

        • Must be at least 18 years old, have G license, and pass our school’s equivalency test

    The YMCA Power of Trades program is a pre-employment training program for newcomers to Canada. The YMCA works with program participants by giving them the tools and support needed to start their new life in Canada. During a four-week session, participants receive information and practical advice about finding and keeping a job in the skilled trades in Ontario. To be eligible for YMCA Power of Trades you must:

      • Be a permanent resident or convention refugee

      • Be an Ontario resident

      • Have a strong interest in the skilled trades

      • 18 years of age or older

    The YMCA Power of Trades program has four areas of focus: Construction, Industrial, Motive Power, and Service.

    Additional Resources:

    Government of Canada Supports for the Skilled Trades

    Yonge Eglinton City of Toronto Employment and Social Services Office

    How to Find a Job: High School Students

    1. Identify your skills and interests. Think about what you enjoy in school and extracurriculars. Ask yourself questions to help narrow down what kind of job you should look for, such as “what skills and experience do I already have?” and “what is my main motivation for getting a job?” Job Bank offers quizzes which can help you determine what kind of job you might enjoy. Consider common high school jobs, such as:

    • Summer camp counsellor
    • Tutoring – If you speak a second or third language, consider teaching English as a second language in your community.
    • Dog walking
    • Shoveling snow or mowing the lawn for your neighbours
    • Babysitting
    • Lifeguarding
    • Working as the clerk or cashier in a store

    2. Search for jobs to apply for. Look at part-time or summer jobs that won’t interfere with your schooling or extracurriculars. Here are some places where you can find job opportunities:

    • Look at the bulletin board in your local community centre to find job listings that may not be online.

    • Attend job fairs. They are usually hosted in schools and community centers.

      • City of Toronto’s Job Fair Tips can help you prepare for attending a job fair.

    • Ask friends or family if they know of any opportunities.
    • Find out if any of your former volunteer positions are hiring students for paid positions.
    • Speak to guidance counselors at your school about finding part-time work in your community.
    • Job Bank is Canada’s national employment service, run by the federal government. Job Bank has over 100,000 job opportunities posted every month, with a dedicated section for youth.
    • Find more resources through Employment Ontario.

    3. Create a resume and cover letter. Be sure to check the requirements of each application – some jobs may only require a resume, while others want a cover letter as well. You may have already written a resume and cover letter in grade 10 career studies which you can edit to be specific to the job you are applying to. Do some research into the business that you’re applying to work for. Find out who is the director of the department and address your cover letter to them instead of the hiring manager. The Neighbourhood Organization offers regular resume clinics to help you perfect your resume. Use language from the job posting in your cover letter.

    4. Apply to jobs. Follow the instructions on the job posting and submit your resume and cover letter, either online, in person, or by mail, as per the instructions of the posting.

    5. Prepare for interviews. Practice answering common interview questions. For questions like “tell me about a time where you overcame a stressful situation” answer using the SOAR method:

    • What was the Situation?

      • Give your interviewer context for the event you’re talking about. Mention where you were – work, school, at home, etc. – and what your responsibilities in that situation were.

    • What Obstacle did you have to overcome?

      • Talk about the problem that arose and why it was a problem. Try to pick a scenario where you faced an unexpected obstacle and had to think quickly.

    • What Actions did you take?

      • How did you resolve the problem? If you worked with a team, make sure to mention your specific role.

    • What was the end Result?

      • Were there any changes that occurred because of the incident, and how did they affect you? Mention if you were promoted or rewarded for your actions.

    6. Make sure you have a Social Insurance Number (SIN). A Social Insurance Number is a 9-digit number which you need to be eligible to work in Canada. If you do not already have a SIN you can get one online for free.

    7. Accept a job offer!

    Additional Resources:

    YMCA – The YMCA has a number of youth employment and financial programs.

    • YMCA Employment Services – Free support which helps job seekers with resume writing, interview skills, and connecting with employers.
    • YMCA Youth For Entrepreneurship program supports youth in financial learning, digital skills and practical ways to start their business journey.
    • YMCA Personal Finance is a series of free workshops which teach youth financial literacy and about different ways to save money in their day-to-day lives.

    Skills for Change – Skills for Change is a non-profit which works with newcomers and underserved communities to enhance skill sets, opportunities, and access to jobs.

    City of Toronto – The City of Toronto has many part-time recreation opportunities for students over the age of 16, and some jobs hire at 14. You can scroll through the list or search by keyword at the top to find jobs that fit your skillset. You can find information on how to apply for jobs with the city of Toronto and more here.

    Government of Ontario Summer Jobs – There are hundreds of student summer job opportunities with the government of Ontario in the following fields:

    • Administrative and Support Services
    • Business and Finance
    • Human Resources and Labour Relations
    • Marketing and Communications
    • Customer and Client Services
    • Engineering, Technical, and Maintenance
    • Environment and Wildlife
    • IT and Information Management
    • Parks (Ontario Place, Ontario Parks)
    • Policy and Analysis
    • Science
    • Social Services
    • Program Delivery

    Youth Employment Services: YES is a non-profit organization which provides free employment training, programming, and job placements to youth across Canada.

    The Neighbourhood Organization: TNO provides employment services to youth who face multiple or complex barriers to accessing employment opportunities. These services include:

    • 60 Hours paid pre-employment training to promote job readiness
    • Job matching and paid job placements
    • Financial Support for participants and hiring incentives for employers
    • Mentorship services
    • Education, work transitions and support to help you in your Career Goals and Aspirations

    Tropicana Community Services – The Youth Job Connection Summer and After School program helps youth between the ages of 15-18 who intend to stay in secondary or post-secondary education find part time work. Tropicana supports students in the program by providing:

    • 20 hours paid pre-employment training
    • An 8-week summer placement or a part-time after school job
    • On-the-job support from Tropicana staff
    • Education and work transition support
    • A great opportunity to learn skills for their future career goals and aspirations
    • Job matching
    • Mentorship services
    • Education and work transition support

    Don Valley Community Legal Service & Steps to Justice: DVCLS and Steps to Justice are legal services which provide information on your rights as an employee in Ontario.


Contact Stephanie

Constituency Office

Suite 101 795 Eglinton Ave. E
Toronto (ON) M4G 4E4


Queen's Park

Room 172 Main Legislative Building
Queen's Park
Toronto (ON) M7A 1A4
